Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3351 Double Journal Entry #6

Speaker #1

1. Why is this video helpful for teaching in West Virginia? I found this video helpful for teaching in West Virginia because our students also have to overcome a dialect that they speak and write in that is not considered standard English.

2. What evidence is presented that supports the credibility of the speaker? When they first introduce her they talk about the many degrees she has earned from different Colleges. To have obtained these degrees it shows she has a background in what she is talking about especially the PHD in Linguistics.

3. Describe the traditional approach to responding to student writing? The traditional approach is to find error and then respond with correction.

4. Why does the traditional approach not work in improving student writing? This approach is not working because they are not looking at what  the student is doing only what they are doing wrong.

5. Name the three strategies associated with the linguistic approach to writing instruction? The first strategy is the scientific method followed by contrastive analysis and the last one is code switching.

6. How do you know the cat and Taylor go together? Because Taylor is the owner and the cat is what he owns.

7. What is different between the two patterns of possessives for informal and formal English? The informal is the owner followed by what they own where the formal is the owner followed by a apostrophe s then what they own.

8. What strategy is being used for teaching the second grade students the different patterns between informal and formal English? By having the students look at each way and then find out what is different in the formal way she is using code switching, scientific method, and contrastive analysis.

9. Describe how the scientific method is used to teach students to code switch. First you have to collect data then have the students observe the data searching for a pattern. They then describe this forming a hypothesis which they will then check their hypothesis and if a example comes t does not hold true to their hypothesis then have them modify it.

10. What question is being asked to engage students in the comparison and contrast strategy? She asked the students what changed?

11. How does code switching support meta cognition? It has the students choose the language to fit the setting.

12. What evidence is presented that the code switching approach works? Describe one of the studies? A teacher in Chicago had one freshman classroom were she used the traditional approach of teaching and then in another classroom she used the contrastive analysis method. After one semester in the traditional classroom she had a 8% more vernacular features in their writing. In the contrastive analysis classroom her student produced 59% less vernacular features in their writing.

Second Speaker

1. How did the students respond when asked how they felt about being corrected when they talked? They said that this made them feel stupid, angry, and even confused.

2. Give an example of a "fund of knowledge" the teacher drew on to help students learn to code switch? She asked the kids what they wore when they dressed up and explained this was formal. She then asked them what they wore when they did not dress up and explained this was informal. This gave them a clear understanding of what formal and informal is. She then had them explain were they would wear certain clothes hence that some places they wore formal clothes and other places they wore informal clothes. This then lead to language and when they used formal language and informal language.

3. What are some added benefits aside from raising test scores that stem from using contrastive analysis?  They learn that all people don't speak the same therefore they are more accepting of other peoples dialects. This  know to use formal English when trying to get a job and sounding more professional.

On your own

  Explain how contrastive analysis for writing instruction is an example of each of these researched-based strategies:

Generating and Testing Hypothesis
   Contrastive analysis is an example of this with the scientific method. First the students gather the data then look at it to find patterns with which they then from a hypothesis that they test.

Identifying Difference and Similarities
   This goes along with contrastive analysis by comparing and contrasting. Here the students compare the data sources looking for a difference.

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