Thursday, February 23, 2012

2201 Double Journal Entry #6

Relationship between media literacy skills and traditional literacy skills:

   Media literacy skills and traditional literacy skills are related because they both share the same skill sets such as using prior knowledge and making predictions.


"Even though students are spending more and more time on the Internet and teachers increasingly expect their students to do assignments online, digital media literacy skills are vastly underrepresented in the curriculum for all but the most advanced students (as, indeed, are offline critical-thinking and reading-comprehension skills).(David, 2009)".


This quote sums up yet another huge problem in today's education field. We are requiring students to use technology yet we are not teaching them how to use it. In a lot of cases some of the teachers do not even know how to use the technology either as they pointed this out also. Our education system is stuck in a traditional state of mind. As I have said in previous posts the old way worked during the time it was useful but that time passed with the coming of the Internet. In this article it also pointed out that other countries educational field are surpassing ours because we have not yet started using technology to its fullest potential. I understand that our culture is rich in traditions and in a lot of situations we bulk at change but when it comes to educating our children we should do whats best for them even if it means reteaching teachers that are already teaching.

Here is a great site that you can use to learn more about media literacy.


David , J. (2009). Teaching media literacy . Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Your additional resource is where I got the Deconstructing Arnold Magazine cover activity!

    Nice job identifying the relationship between traditional and media literacy skills!

    Total 5/5
