Thursday, February 9, 2012

3351 Digital Story


  1. I learned you have family that served in the armed forces. Are families are alike because you seem to get together on holidays like my family. I really liked the last slide because so many people misunderstand way some people fly the rebel flag. The one slide for southern bell has some other words come up you can't read see if you can fix it other than that it was good to go.

  2. I learned that your family served in the military, which is similar to mine. I loved how your pictures went along with the story which made it easy for me to imagine. :) I think your timing is great and words are in order; I didn't find anything that needed changed! Great job!! :)

  3. I learned that somewhere close to your life is a train. This is very similar to me, I could walk across my field and down the hill to the tracks. I love hearing it at night. I also learned that you have a wife and kids which I applaud you for still going to school and having a family. Your family is different from mine because no one extremely close to me was in the services. I don't think you need to change anything about your story, the music and word color worked great! Good job.

  4. First I want to say that the very first picture of you made me smile. I could definately tell that it was you! I want to thank you and your family for serving our country! It is people like you all that give us our freedom. Also, I have lost my grandmother. I think about her all the time. I do not have any kids yet, but one day I plan on it. I think your video was very nice; however, there were a few slides in which the color of the words and the color of the background made it hard to read. Very nice job though!

  5. I learned that you have family members that served in the military. This is similar to my family, because all of my uncles and my youngest brother served in different branches. The best thing about you video is the pictures. They are all very unique and simple. I also really like how you used short and simple phrases. Each slide was easy to read with plenty of time to look at the pictures. I honestly did not see anything you would need to fix or change. Great job!!

  6. One thing I learned about you is that you are very proud of your father.
    Your family is similar/different than mine because I only have one sibling and you have 3.
    The best thing about your digital story is the music and creative slide transitions (PS great job with the credits).
    One think you could change is perhaps be more descriptive with the slides (however, I sort of like this approach; it’s unique).

  7. One thing I learned about you is... you are proud of being from 'the south'
    Your family is similar/different than mine because... It looks like you like to entertain and have parties
    The best thing about your digital story is... I like that you changed the format of the poem to make it more you
    One think you could change is......Since you are using such short phrases on the slides maybe you could change the font to make the words pop a little more

  8. One thing I learned about you is that your family has served in the military. (Thank you by the way!) Your family is different than me because I am not married nor do I have any kids. The best thing about your digital story is that you used short phrases. I had enough time to read and look at all the pictures. One thing that you could change is the font color of the phrases. Some of them blended in with the pictures. Great job :)
