Thursday, February 2, 2012

2201 Learning Styles?

1. Do learning styles exist? In my opinion learning styles do exist. I feel that I learn something better when I can read about vs just hearing a lecture on the subject. Since I learn the material better by reading then by hearing then I feel I'm a visual learner.

2. Are they useful for classroom instruction? I feel that they are useful depending upon the content that you are teaching. If you are teaching a unit about the Civil War and dates of certain battles I would not just give the students a sheet of paper with the dates on it. While this might help the visual learners because they have something in front of them they can read what about those who learn by auditory? Sure they can also learn by reading the paper but would it not help to read out loud the dates you are trying to get the students to learn?

3. What is the best philosophy for using learning styles? In my opinion the best philosophy for using learning styles is to use more than just one. I feel you should use as many as possible when teaching a lesson according to the lesson being taught.

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