Friday, February 3, 2012

2201 Charting the News

   This is a strategy used on the high school level were students go onto a website that talks about recent important news going on in the world. They will find a article that interest them and then write about it or talk about it. The teacher in this example worked at a rural school were most of his students were only able to accces the Internet at school. He had noticed that most of these students were not up to date on current affairs. When he first had them look up articles on their own they would find things of little importance. To correct this he started having them use a certain web site that did list important world events that went along with his class. I find this a great way to get students aware of the world around them. I have seen something like this done in a 6 grade class were at the beginning of class students watch CNN student new and also felt this was a great way to make sure students are aware of their world.

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