Friday, May 11, 2012

3351 Review of Students Action Research Proposal

1.  What is the problem?
Kindergarten students where having trouble recognizing rhyme and word families in text.

2. What is the rational for the project?
Exposure to rhyme and word families enables students to decode new and difficult words in text.

3. What strategy will be use to address the problem?
They will be playing rhyme games.

4. What is the question?
How can I use a variety of rhyming games to help my students recognize rhyme and word families in text? They also had a supporting question of  "how can I use a variety of rhyming games to help students recognize rhyme and word families in text?"

5. What evidence is presented that the strategy will work?
The evidence used was that "Research shows that implementing a range of rhyming games can help students improve their recognition of rhyme and word families( Allen 1988.) Reinforcement of patterns of rhyme through rhyming games helps students build on the concept of rhyme and word families( Bradley & Bryant 1983).

6. How will data be collected?
Prior to the begeining of the project an assessment of decoding srategies will be administered to all students and then again at the end of the four week implementation. Also student performance checklist during games, and teaching journal monitoring individual student progress will be in place.

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