Friday, May 11, 2012

3351 Action Research Seconday

1. Encouraging, Thoughtful, and Helpful Responses to High Stakes Writing: How Do Writing Teachers Do It All?

2. That comments the teacher wrote in response to the students’ work assisted them in improving not only their writing but also their attitudes and confidence about writing as well.

3. The strategy being used is reinforcing effort.

4. The evidence is in the feedback from the students along with their parents.

5. Students work and student interviews along with surveys of the parents and students.

6. The teacher listened to what the students said during their interviews. Also the surveys had a numerical rating in which only twelve of the parents actually did them write. Also the teacher looked at how the students work had changed.

7. The results showed that the use of comments did help the students with their writing.

8. The teacher plans to create a method for response that allows for greater dialogue between the teacher and the students when discussing a student’s respective piece of writing. Also that teachers need to create a writing response system that will allow teachers to respond constructively, but in a more time efficient manner.

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