Thursday, March 22, 2012

2201 Double Journal Entry #9


"Therefore it can be argued that in video games, failure is good as it helps facilitate alternate solutions to problems."


This quote is fount under risk taking in our reading. I chose this quote because I find this not only interesting but also very true. I had not thought about video games in this way but I do see the connection. When my kids play games and can't get by a certain level they will not just give up but will try several different things to get by that level. By doing this they are learning to find alternate solutions to problems and this is a skill that they really do need to learn. They are learning skills just by playing games that previous research said was rotting their brains, kind of ironic isn't it.

Here is a great video I found on YouTube about video games being used to teach students.


10 things schools can learn from video games.(2012 January 20). Retrieved from

"Games and Education Scholar James Paul Gee on Video Games, Learning, and Literacy" Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hey! We are going to watch this video next week! James Gee is a visionary when it comes to game design and learning! I cited him a bunch of time in my dissertation! Great find!
