Thursday, March 1, 2012

2201 Double Entry Journal #7

How might technology be used to support students in your future classroom who have learning differences like Dyslexia?

You should use technology in a way that it is geared toward whatever learning differences the student has. After reading the article "Words Failed Me Then Saved Me" I did a search on how to help students with Dyslexia so I could understand Dyslexia better. I fount a wonderful cite that I will link you to at the end of my blog. This cite explains Dyslexia and how it affects the student. They suggest using technology in the form of letting a student with Dyslexia use laptops in the classroom because printing or writing is hard on them. They also encouraged having them use programs such as Dragon Naturally Speaking. I feel by using any technology that would take a abstract concept and make it concrete would help a student with Dyslexia.

I recommend taking a look at this cite because it explains Dyslexia a little bit better and gives teachers good advice they can use in the classroom to help students learn that has Dyslexia. You can find this cite here.


Schultz, P. (2011, September 3). Words failed me, then saved me. The New York Times. Retrieved from

NA. (2011). How teachers can accommodate the dyslexic student. Retrieved from 

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