Friday, February 10, 2012

2201 Double Journal Entry #4


"Although the nature and structure of stories very for personal, artistic and cultural reasons (Ohler 2006)"


  I chose this quote because I feel in touched on a way to overcome a issue that teachers find in their classes today. The issue is learning about your students culture and having them embrace it along with sharing it with their classmates. Sure you can ask a student about where they come from or even write about it and then have them talk about it but isn't the old saying " a pictures worth a thousand words". I feel that digital stories would be a great way for teachers to learn things about their students that they never would have otherwise. i also feel that by seeing each others stories that classmates learn more about their other classmate and might find out they are more alike then they thought they were and this might even help them make more friends. This might be the way to get someone who feels socially awkward to break out of their shells.
   Even when you have students do digital stories on other things then themselves you will still get a glimpse of what is important or interesting to them. you can then build upon this base of knowledge. I feel digital stories are a great tool to use in the classroom because it makes teaching more personal and the more you get to know your students the better prepared you are to help them learn.

   Here is a site I fount interesting giving a slide show about digital stories and why you should use them in the classroom. Slide show


Ohler, J. (2006, January). Retrieved February 8, 2012 from.

Bayuk, R. (2010, August 2). Digital storytelling in the classroom. Retrieved from

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