Monday, April 30, 2012

2201 Political Cartoon Analysis

1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon?  The 2012 election.

2. Are there any real people or places in the cartoon? If not what, what images are portrayed in the cartoon? The person in the cartoon is Barack Obama.

3. Identify the specific artistic techniques used in the cartoon (i.e., symbolism, analogy, exaggeration, labeling, and irony). What is the artist trying to show the reader by using these techniques? The cartoonist used symbolism, analogy, and exaggeration in this cartoon. The artist is trying to show the reader that Obama does not care about the Constitution.

4.  What is the cartoonist's point of view about the topic portrayed in the cartoon? Give examples to support your interpretation. The cartoonist's point of view is that Obama does not care about the Constitution. To show this they show Obama saying that he is sorry about the Koran being burnt then he says he is not concerned about this being burnt and he is holding the Constitution in his hands and it is on fire.

5.  Is this cartoon persuasive? Explain why or why not. Yes the cartoon is persuasive. The reason it is persuasive is it is trying to get the audience to think that Obama is more concerned about the Islamic Koran being burnt then he is about following the Constitution. They want people to believe that to him the Islamic faith is more important than peoples rights.

6. What other techniques could the artist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive? To be honest I think the artist did a good job with the techniques they used and don't see anything else they could have done.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2201 Double Journal Entry # 11

The first thing I learned is the amount of technology there is to use for teaching. Through my classes here at Fairmont I have learned about several different programs we can use to help with teaching but these guys rambled off all kinds of technology tools that I have never even heard of in one slide. This just goes to show you that technology is growing at a rapid pace so there is no excuse not to be using it in the classroom.
The second thing I learned is all the different roles that they expect teachers to play. I already new about most of them but when you put them into a list like they do on this video it is kind of overwhelming. The last thing I learned is that technology is messy itself.